I later tried to install the CreateWiki and ManageWiki extensions of miraheze. Canasta is on version 1.39 of mediawiki while both of those extensions require 1.42. I cloned the repos, then checked out to some commits from approximately February 2024 (I chose the exact commits based on extension.json's commit history). Then I copied them to the extension folder that mapped to the canasta docker extension folder.
Unfortunately, enabling those two extensions creates an error with the database when you try running update.php, which I assume is due to miraheze's custom database schema.
Error 1046: No database selected Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::select Query: SELECT wiki_dbcluster,wiki_dbname,wiki_deleted,wiki_url,wiki_sitename FROM `cw_wikis`I checked and ManageWiki does check if CreateWiki is active. There's recent commits that change the sql that I assume gets executed when you update, so if you were desperate to try it out with Canasta, you could create a branch from the February commits, then try to either manually edit the sql or try cherry picking.
I later figured out one of the changes I wanted to make was dependent on wikis.yaml. I'm giving up on these two extensions.